In an industry of one-trick ponies, Luna has it all: Looks that kill, a dedicated underground following, extensive skills with the tools of the trade, and, last but not least, timing.
In response to electronic dance music (EDM)’s recent presence under the mainstream spotlight, pop music artists incorporate the beats and progressions popularized by the former genre into their productions now more than ever. Such trends invariably backfire, however, when purist fans of the producers from which pop artists borrow their sound challenge their street cred in any kind of open forum. Luna’s career, on the other hand, resonates with the long-time supporters of the EDM community as she’s been creating music within the genre for much longer than she’s been a pop singer.
Electro/dubstep singles such as “Hearts Under Fire” and “Leaving for Mars” gained her recognition on the Beatport charts around the same time dance music started to hit the mainstream airwaves. This right-place-right-time back story – coupled with her stunning looks, sexy voice and girl-your-parents-warned-you-about mystique – affords her the opportunity to reach a wide audience that ranges from underground music fans to top 40 teenyboppers.
Still an avid DJ/producer, Luna commands an expert grasp of the skill sets required to create music across the entire spectrum of dance music; she’s just as comfortable throwing down a bass-heavy dubstep set as she is an uplifting house set. She has performed at legendary nightclubs like Hollywood’s Vanguard, NYC’s Limelight, Denver’s Beta and LA’s Avalon as well as festivals such as the esteemed Burning Man.
Luna’s most recent releases include collaborations with Sydney Blu, Manufactured Superstars, Revolvr, Quivver, Helicopter Showdown, Jontron, and Dragon. Make sure to check out her new music videos on youtube for her singles “Rock Show” and (coming soon) “Arrest the DJ.”